I’m excited to announce that my debut urban fantasy novel, Cunning Devil, is now available on Amazon.
For a little taster, check out the blurb below, then pick up your copy on Kindle or in paperback.
And if that’s not enough for you, I’m also giving away free copies of the prequel novella, Crooked Foundations. Ozzy Turner takes on his first solo job, and uncovers a terrible secret about one of his closest friends. Get your copy by signing up here.
Now I better get back to writing the sequel!
In a town where the monsters don’t always have claws, someone has to look out for the little guy. That’s where I come in.
They call me cunning man, conjurer, wizard, but mostly they call me Ozzy. If a witch is throwing curses your way, or there’s something scary scratching at your window in the night, I’ve got just the charm for you.
Mostly, though, I find things. Lost treasures, missing loved ones, doesn’t matter. If you want something found, I’m your guy. For a nominal fee, of course.
So when a grieving father hired me to track down a stolen family heirloom, I was happy to help. Trouble is, what started out as another garden-variety stolen property job just ended in attempted murder. Mine.
They made a mistake, though, when they put a bullet in my stomach and left me for the worms.
They didn’t bury me deep enough.
Has one comment to “Welcome to Lost Falls”
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Todd Victor Leone - April 6, 2017 at 6:18 pm
I’m very glad I discovered ???? ????? on amazon.com. I’m about halfway through and it has been an excellent experience so far. Very nice writing, well-edited, nice concept for an urban fantasy in a rural setting, very good character and plot development. So I had to come here and sign up to get on your e-mailing list. I’m sure I’ll finish the book today and I look forward to the next one. I’ll leave a review — I’m certain it will be favorable — on amazon.com when I’ve finished. Cheers!